Humanities descriptive Work


HUMA 1301:  Art Museum Assignment


  • To evaluate art using the techniques and knowledge acquired in class.
  • To historically situate art in the culture, era, and style of its production. 
  • To experience art and make connections!

General Instructions

For this assignment, you will visit The Contemporary Arts Museum Houston (free), The Menil Collection (free), The Museum of Fine Arts Houston (free on Thursdays), or an independent gallery of your choosing.  

  • You will select 3 pieces of art to analyze.  These can be paintings, sculptures, or artifacts.  
  • You will provide the date, title, medium, and artist for each work.  If any of these facts are unknown, note it in your paragraph.
  • You will critique each work using the “look, see, think” method described here:  Look, See, Think
  • You will include a picture of each work. It must be taken by you during your visit (do not use one found online).  The picture can be of the work itself, you standing next to the work, or a selfie of you with the work.

Detailed Instructions:

Museum paragraph:

  • Give the name and location of the museum, what kind of collection(s) it has, when it was founded, and what kind of building it’s housed in, or other info that might help your reader understand the museum.
  • Do not just cut and paste! Put this information into your own words.  
  • This paragraph should be 50-100 words.

For each of the 3 works, give the following information (per work):

  • The title of the artwork, date it was created, medium (i.e. what it’s made out of), and size.
    • Perhaps you can’t find all this information, but you should be able to find most of it.
    • Taking a picture of the plaque or information next to a work can help you remember.
  • A description and interpretation of the artwork so your readers can picture it in their mind’s eye.
    • Describe the composition, colors, figures, shapes.  Make sure it’s detailed!
    • Give an interpretation of what the work possibly means or signifies taking into account its title, composition, and the time and place of its creation.
    • Should be 100+ words.
  • A statement about why this artwork stood out to you– your personal response to it.
    • Write enough to make a real point and explain what you mean in at least 50 words.
    • You may love the piece, but you may also hate it!  It may make you feel overwhelmed, troubled, moved, excited, or any number of other things, but the key here is to explain WHY you believe it incites this response in you.

Connections paragraph:

Here, you will tie at least 2 of the 3 works to a lesson from the class in 100-150 words.

Formatting Information

MLA format– 12 pt Times New Roman font, double-spacing, 1 inch margins.

Submitting your Assignment

Please submit as a .pdf to the Art Critique assignment link in the Oral Presentation and Art Critique folder.

Grading Criteria:  Art Critique Rubric 




Needs Work


1. Museum Description: 10% 

-Gives detailed information about the museum visited.

-50-100 words

-Gives some information about the museum visited.

-50-100 words

.-Gives minimal information about the museum visited.

-less than 50 words

– Does not provide info about the museum, uses AI generated information, or copies and pastes from another source.

2. Artwork 1


– Title, date, medium, and size of piece listed

-Detailed description of work 

-Logical interpretation of work

– Explanation of why the work stood out (50+ words)

-Photo included

– Uses correct grammar and spelling

– Title, date, medium, and size of piece listed

– Somewhat detailed description of the work 

– Reasonable interpretation of work

– Mostly clear and detailed explanation of why the work stood out (50+ words)

-Photo included

-Uses mostly correct grammar and spelling

Has one or more of the following issues:

-Title, date, medium, or size of piece not listed

-Description of work provided, but insufficient 

– Interpretation of work not based on anything concrete.

– Unclear or minimal explanation of why the work stood out (less than 50 words)

– Photo included

– Makes 4-5 mistakes in grammar and spelling

Has one or more of the following issues:

-Does does provide title, date, medium or size of piece

– Description of work not provided

-Little to no interpretation of work.

– Insufficient or undeveloped description of why the work stood out

-No photo included.

– Makes 5+ grammar and/or spelling mistakes.

3. Artwork 2


– Title, date, medium, and size of piece listed

-Detailed description of work 

-Logical interpretation of work

– Explanation of why the work stood out (50+ words)

-Photo included

– Uses correct grammar and spelling

– Title, date, medium, and size of piece listed

– Somewhat detailed description of the work 

– Reasonable interpretation of work

– Mostly clear and detailed explanation of why the work stood out (50+ words)

-Photo included

-Uses mostly correct grammar and spelling

Has one or more of the following issues:

-Title, date, medium, or size of piece not listed

-Description of work provided, but insufficient 

– Interpretation of work not based on anything concrete.

– Unclear or minimal explanation of why the work stood out (less than 50 words)

– Photo included

– Makes 4-5 mistakes in grammar and spelling

Has one or more of the following issues:

-Does does provide title, date, medium or size of piece

– Description of work not provided

-Little to no interpretation of work.

– Insufficient or undeveloped description of why the work stood out

-No photo included.

– Makes 5+ grammar and/or spelling mistakes..

4. Artwork 3


– Title, date, medium, and size of piece listed

-Detailed description of work 

-Logical interpretation of work

– Explanation of why the work stood out (50+ words)

-Photo included

– Uses correct grammar and spelling

– Title, date, medium, and size of piece listed

– Somewhat detailed description of the work 

– Reasonable interpretation of work

– Mostly clear and detailed explanation of why the work stood out (50+ words)

-Photo included

-Uses mostly correct grammar and spelling

Has one or more of the following issues:

-Title, date, medium, or size of piece not listed

-Description of work provided, but insufficient 

– Interpretation of work not based on anything concrete.

– Unclear or minimal explanation of why the work stood out (less than 50 words)

– Photo included

– Makes 4-5 mistakes in grammar and spelling

Has one or more of the following issues:

-Does does provide title, date, medium or size of piece

– Description of work not provided

-Little to no interpretation of work.

– Insufficient or undeveloped description of why the work stood out

-No photo included.

– Makes 5+ grammar and/or spelling mistakes..

5. Connections


-100-150 words

-Uses a topic from the class

-Connection is well developed

-Makes a clear point

-Uses at least ⅔ works

-100+ words

-Uses a topic somewhat related to the class

-Connection is somewhat well developed

-Makes a fairly clear point

-Uses at least ⅔ works

-Less than 100 words

-Uses a topic not from the class

-Connection is partially developed

-Makes a somewhat clear point

-Uses at least ⅔ works

-Less than 100 words

-Uses a topic not from the class

-Connection is not developed

-Does not make a clear point

-Does not use ⅔ works


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