
The benefits and uses of blueprints are discussed in the text.  As pointed out in the text, one of the major benefits of blueprinting is educational in that it requires everyone involved to agree at some level regarding the service and its component parts. Blueprints can be used by people in different functional areas within the organization.

                From a marketing perspective, the blueprint can be used for: communicating with customers and getting their feedback at the concept and service development stages of the process; making the service more concrete for those who will promote or sell it; analyzing elements of the service for positioning purposes; seeing clearly all employees who interact with customers and thus serve as “marketers” from the customer’s perspective; understanding the process the customer must go through (which should facilitate appropriate customer education); identifying all service encounter points that might potentially be monitored for customer satisfaction and quality; and analyzing the appropriateness of physical evidence provided at each point of customer contact.

                From a human resources perspective, the blueprint can be used for: understanding roles and responsibilities in the service delivery process; showing individual employees how they fit in the total scheme and how their roles are linked into the service delivered to the customer; identifying critical customer contact roles by noting all of the points of direct customer firm interaction; providing a base for writing job descriptions; and highlighting staffing needs.

                From an operations perspective, the blueprint can be used for: identifying potential operational fail points; noting the effectiveness and efficiency of the process from both the employees’ and customers’ perspectives; understanding the complexities of the process; identifying possible operational changes; and noting the physical evidence of service provided at each point of contact.

Using your Term Project topic, create a Blueprint for your company. I have done some but I need you to add more things. to the blueprint.


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