Marketers use A/B testing to determine which marketing campaign, website layout, or product performs better. You show version A of a piece of marketing content to one half of your audience and version B to another. You compare the average ratings of version A and version B to determine which version performs better. Perform A/B testing on A/B Testing Survey Data. Download A/B Testing Survey Data. Group 1 saw website layout version A and Group 2 saw version B. Read Statistical Analysis in Excel
Actions pages 1-2 and add in ‘Data Analysis’ toolkit. Read pages 5-7 and perform ANOVA (Analysis of Variance).
- What is the average rating for version A? What is the average rating for version B?
- If p-value is less than 0.1, it means that the difference between two groups is statistically significant. Is p-value lower than 0.1?
- Is version B liked more than version A?
So you have to create 2 separate surveys one with an open ended questionnaire. And one with semantic differential scale (1-5). This is just extra credit so just to be safe do two different ones!