Impairment and Incompetence 2 Responses

 In response to your peers, discuss the ways the concepts are different. 


1# The main difference between professional impairment, and incompetence is incompetence is the inability to execute a task in an efficient matter, due to lack of knowledge, and fundamental needed to practice a specific skill. This matter of incompetence may raise questions of how one is able to practice, and substance a career without adequate training and skill. Because a professional therapist may lack knowledge in various treatments, this cause more harm than good. Incompetence may cause a negative reaction for clients, which results in unsuccessful treatment for clients receiving services. According to our textbook reading, a good way to combat the issue of incompetence is to inform patients of you ability to perform certain task, and what you are not capable of doing (Corey, G., Corey, M. S., & Corey, C. 2019). Professional Impairment is the inability to perform certain professional task due to a physical or mental disability that limits one from practicing certain jobs etc. In this case a therapist should always seek personal care/therapy to combat this impairment, and be willing to offer the client a different form of therapy or a different therapist.

2# Professional impairment happens when the professional is not performing to the best of their capacity because of some personal, health,mental, or physical state. Impairment can be caused from a sickness or long term disease or chronic condition. Some times it is a substance abuse problem that was only suspected has now become obvious. It can also be from a mental health condition. Professional impairment can be from situations happening at home or in the provider’s personal life, that lead to distraction from work. 

Professional incompetence happens when a professional did not gain the skills through school or their intership to be able to perform the functions of their job. 

Depending on what is causing the impairment such as a serious injury or illness it can lead to incompetence because skills can be lost or no longer able to be performed.  The professional may no longer remember what they once knew


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