Inclusion & Collaboration Across Generations


Discussion Board for Week 6- Inclusion & Collaboration Across Generations

Step 1) Read the following case study called “Diversity in the Workplace*”:

Workplace Solutions Consulting LLC is a consulting company that helps organizations increase performance through workforce enhancement. You are a consultant for WSC and have been assigned to a project involvin­­g a large technology company, Informational Systems Inc. The company is considering some organizational changes in order to better respond to rapid changes in the business environment. You are to meet with different departments and areas of the company in order to analyze and evaluate the status quo. At the end of your investigation, you and your team will present recommendations for change in the organization.

Prior to your first on-site meeting with IS personnel, you review a list of issues that have been collected through initial conversations with the new client. One of the issues that has been identified for further evaluation involves the multi-generational nature of the workforce in the software development area at IS. There seems to be a fair amount of friction being reported between the staff. Due to the company’s rapid growth through the acquisition of smaller technology companies, the organization has grown a development organization consisting of Baby Boomers, Generation X, and Millennials. You meet with members of the software development organization to document the multi-generational issues that have been reported—namely that people are not getting along and working well together. During your meeting, you notice that the individuals representing the Baby Boomers are predominately white males, while the Millennials seem to be comprised of people from foreign nationalities, people of color, and women.

Step 2) Review the grading rubric to understand how you are evaluated. You must post an original response by Wednesday of the due date week. Your original post must include at least 250 words. Include your word count at the end of each of posts (e.g., “Original Post: 224”). In your original post, you must include at least 1 scholarly/peer-reviewed post inside the body and at the end of the post in APA format. Answer the following questions in question-and-answer (Q&A) itemized format. In other words, in include the original question and your answer under it. You will not be able to see other’s posts until you have submitted yours.  You cannot edit or alter your posts once it is submitted.  Students who make a non-substantive post, gaining access to their peers work, will not get credit for a later post.  You should write your post in a word document, then copy and paste it to the discussion board to avoid issues.

  1. What concrete steps could you take as a manager to create greater inclusion across generations?
  2. What challenges would you face in sustaining collaboration between generations and how would you address them?


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