Internship march 24

Week 5 Topic –After the Interview—The “Thank You” LetterWeek 5 Learning objectivesUpon completion of week 5 assignments and discussion forum responses students should be able to:

  • Articulate the rules of interview and post-interview etiquette
  • Explain the benenfits of sending a “thank you” letter to potential employers.
  • Week 5 Assignment—Write and submit a proposed “Thank You” Letter/email; include reference the job and the industry in your letter for context. For this assignment you will be creating a sample thank you letter. After any interview it is necessary to send the employer a thank you letter. Some people would suggest this be a typed letter that is printed, signed and mailed to the interviewer while others would use only an email thank you. Either way it is extremely important.  Download the attached document to help you with writing your thank you letter. Here is a video on writing an effective “Thank You” Letter [Title: Job Interview Tips (Part 7): Write a Great Thank You Note]   Week 2 Discussion Forum –The post -pandemic workplace After watching the videos, write a one to two paragraph reflection of what you learned from this video about navigating the workplace post COVID-19. Video Link #1: Week 2 Assignment #2 : (Video title: The Future of Hybrid Working)


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