introduction to American History


identify five people or events that are important to American history.  Your completed assignment will, therefore, include a total of 15 people or events. Provide a picture to illustrate each person or event that you are identifying. Provide the sources that you used in completing this assignment.

• Part #1: Read Chapter 19;  Identify 5 items (people, events, or a mixture of both) by answering the questions posed above (“Writing about events” or “Writing about people”).

• Part #2: Read Chapter 20; Identify 5 items (people, events, or a mixture of both) by answering the questions posed above (“Writing about events” or “Writing about people”).

• Part #3: Read Chapter 21; Identify 5 items (people, events, or a mixture of both) by answering the questions posed above (“Writing about events” or “Writing about people”).

Below is the template for the answer 


Writing about events/things:

What happened?

Who did it?

When did it occur?

What was it like?

What does it mean relative to the history of the United States?

Why did you identify this event?

Writing about people:

Who was it (What is the person’s background)?

When did she or he live?

What did the person do?

What are the person’s important acts, ideas, and relationships with other figures?

What are the person’s contributions to her or his times relative to the history of the United States?


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