
1. 900 – 1000 words (not including cover or reference pages). APA format. The paper should include: ▪ Title, author. ▪ Introduction. ▪ What’s the purpose the author intends to explore? ▪ Summary of the article. ▪ Methodology used.  ▪ Significance of article to BUS 724 theory (chapter concepts/theories) (NOTE: this is the meat of the analysis). Assume the reader has little to no knowledge of the course concepts or this article. ▪ Lessons learned for leaders (how would you apply this in a work  setting?) NOTE: Consider this section and be comprehensive with your ideas, supporting them with specific examples. ▪ Implications of this article for a Christian Worldview. ▪ Strengths/weaknesses of the article. ▪ Recommendation for peers (justify why you would either recommend this article to your peers or why you wouldn’t recommend this article to your peers). ▪ Conclusion. 

2. Compare and contrast the follower typologies/models in the Kilburn article (Zalesnik, Kelley, Chaleff, and Kellerman) and the introduction to part 3 (Potter & Rosenbach and Curphy & Roellig). ▪ Using the situation you described in discussion question 1 above,  choose the model that best fits the situation and describe the followers’  actions and behaviors that place them in the various quadrants. o Requirements: 750-800 words, APA format 

3. Title, author ▪ Introduction ▪ What’s the purpose the author intends to explore? ▪ Summary of the article ▪ Methodology used  ▪ Significance of article to BUS 724 theory (chapter concepts/theories)  (NOTE: this is the meat of the analysis). Assume the reader has little to no knowledge of the course concepts or this article. ▪ Lessons learned for leaders (how would you apply this in a work  setting?) NOTE: Consider this section and be comprehensive with your ideas, supporting them with specific examples. ▪ Implications for a Christian Worldview. ▪ Strengths/weaknesses of the article ▪ Recommendation for peers (justify why you would either recommend this article to your peers or why you wouldn’t recommend this article to your peers. ▪ Conclusion 


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