Note: This Assignment is divided into two parts for a total of 8–10 pages. This week, you will complete and submit Part 1 (4–5 pages). You will complete Part 2 (4–5 pages) in Week 8 and submit your entire leadership profile in Week 8.

Consider the following scenario:

In recognition of your growth as a leader, you have been given the opportunity to join a professional leadership network. As part of your membership, you must create a unique leadership profile that focuses on your passion and your purpose for leadership, as well as your goals. This is your opportunity to present your leadership reflections and perspectives to others in your network and to create connections that may lead to professional experiences in the future.

To prepare for this Assignment:

  • You should first engage in reflection. Self-reflection is an important skill in business, especially for a leader or an aspiring leader. There are a number of different models of reflection that can be utilized; however, one of the more commonly used models is the 5R Framework for Reflection (Bain, et al., 2002), which focuses on five defined stages of reflection: reporting, responding, relating, reasoning, and reconstructing. Using this framework will enable you to produce a critically engaging reflection based on your experiences. Refer to the following table for more information about the framework:



Submit Part 1 of your leadership profile as follows:

Part 1: Perspectives on Leadership/Leadership Values (4–5 pages)

For the first part of your leadership profile, you will describe how you can/will apply positive leadership skills in pursuit of social change, be it in your professional or personal life. Be sure to incorporate the following:

Emotional Intelligence

  • Analyze the importance of the five elements of emotional intelligence in being a strong leader: self-awareness, self-regulation, social skills, empathy, and motivation. Specifically:
    • How do these elements affect the leader-follower relationship?
    • How do they improve a leader’s ability to promote change?

Developing a Diverse and Inclusive Environment

  • Analyze the interdependency of diversity and inclusion.
  • Examine what diversity and inclusion look like in the workplace, as well as the benefits of having/developing a diverse working environment.
  • Summarize how you have worked/will work as a leader to promote diversity and inclusion in your work environment.

The Power of Networking

  • Based on your personal and professional experiences, examine the relationship of establishing and maintaining a professional network to your own leadership.
    • How can a strong network benefit both a rising leader and an established leader?
    • How can the use of networks enhance one’s ability to become an agent of positive social change?

Refer to the Week 7 Assignment Rubric for specific grading elements and criteria. Your Instructor will use this grading rubric to assess your work.


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