
Students with Intellectual and Developmental Disorders Linoit Assignment

For this assignment, you are going to use Linoit ( to help you review what you are learning about students with intellectual and developmental disorders. In this module are resources on how to create a Linoit.  You use either Option One (group with faculty) or Group Two (no group with faculty), working on Linoit Main Page): the same procedure that you used in the previous module this semester.  

Option One (Student/Faculty Group) Please read:  You do not need to invite your instructor again to be in your group. In a previous module, you created a Linoit group with him or her. You will now go to that in that Linoit group on the right-hand side of your Linoit and select, “My Groups.”  You will find our group there.  Then you need to click on “Create a new canvas” in the group that you made with your professor. If you still need to make a group for us with the last assignment, follow the directions on the resource page in the previous module that we used Linoit.

Option Two (Work on your Own Linoit Main Page):  You will work on your own Linoit home page, as you did in the previous module. 

Both Options One and Options Two. 

Step 1: Create a new Linoit and include the requirements below.  

Linoit Requirements: Each of you will post the following:

  • Six Characteristics and Causes of Students with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities. You will post 3  characteristics of students with intellectual and developmental disorders and 3 causes of developmental disorders. Put a “heading note” above these notes entitled “Characteristics and Causes of  Students with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities.” 
  • Six Effective Teaching Academic and Social Skill Strategies on Notes. You will post, name, and then briefly describe six effective teaching and behavior strategies for students with Intellectual Disorders. Put a “heading note” above these notes entitled “Effective Teaching and Social Skill Strategies”  You must include a combination of teaching and social skill strategies.
  • Two Useful Websites: You will post the URL, name, and a brief description of online sites where teachers and parents can learn more about working with students with intellectual disorders and/or sites where students with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities can engage in learning activities. 
  • Two Videos. You will embed two Youtube videos related to students with intellectual disorders and you must put a note near the video with a brief description of what you learned in the video. Note: you must embed the video, not just put a hyperlink to the youtube site.
  • Include at least two Functional Images and Headings, and ensure your Linoit layout is well organized. This should be done so that those who visit your Linoit can easily follow its content. Be sure to include a Linoit heading.

Final Step:  when Linoit is finished include your unique username and password, too, required for Option Two, and recommended for Option One, in case you did not work in the Linoit group. 


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