literature review


The purpose of this assignment is to provide you with the opportunity to identify one foreign criminal justice system(Germany), which was used previousIy, as the basis for your comparative research assignment. It must reflect the concepts covered in this course.

It should include the elements below.

  • How is your foreign criminal justice system structured with its law enforcement, the court system, and corrections practices?
  • How are terrorism and transnational crime addressed within the country’s criminal justice system?
  • How does this foreign criminal justice system follow the concept of comparative criminal justice?
  • How does this foreign criminal justice system compare to that of the United States?
  • Provide statistics for your foreign criminal justice system (charts or tables on crime or corrections).

Additionally, it must meet the requirements below.

  • Must be at least four pages in length, not counting the title pge and references pge.
  • Include the four sources that were used in the previous assignment about Germany and utilize the CSU Online Library to find one additional scholarly resource; also, reference the textbook (i.e., you should have at least six sources).
  • Include an introductory paragraph with a succinct thesis statement.
  • Include a Literature Review section, briefly describing each source and explaining why it is relevant to your chosen topic. The literature review summarizes each literature/research article and what it reveals relating to the subject.
  • The body will document your response to the assignment questions.
  • Conclude with a restatement of the thesis and a conclusion paragraph.


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