Mental Health and Criminal Justice Today

You will select 1 of the five topics for your Discussion Board (DB). Please read the instructions for the DB assignments carefully because they are different from your other classes that you have had DBs in.

Selecting one of the five topics, you will be required to submit a 300-word minimum main topic posting. Your initial posting should be analytical, persuasive, or reflective in nature. Keep in mind that you will be choosing a different topic for your Individual Project (IP). Please add your references to the main topic posting (required). You are encouraged to do research on the topic from other resources. You will be responding to a minimum of three classmates for this assignment. Each classmate’s response should be a minimum of 100 words per response. Your option is to respond to postings that concern your main topic selection, or you may respond to postings from classmates that have to do with one of the other two topics.

The following topics come from the reading assignments for this week and are all located in the AIU online Library:

Topic 1: What’s New in Critical Illness and Injury Science? Mental health and COVID-19: Self-Inflicted and Interpersonal Violence Amid a Pandemic

Papadimos, T. J. (2020). What’s new in critical illness and injury science? Mental health and COVID-19: Self-inflicted and interpersonal violence amid a pandemic. International Journal of Critical Illness and Injury Science, 10(2), 45–48.

Topic 2: Identifying the Prevalence of Courses on Mental Illness in Criminal Justice Education

Mulvey, P., & Larson, M. (2017). Identifying the prevalence of courses on mental illness in criminal justice education. Journal of Criminal Justice Education, 28(4), 542–558.

Topic 3: New Program Helps Capitol Police Deal With Trauma From the Insurrection

Grisales, C. (2021, April 25). New program helps Capitol police deal with trauma from the insurrection. NPR.

Topic 4: Police Stress, Mental Health, and Resiliency During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Stogner, J., Miller, B. L., & McLean, K. (2020). Police stress, mental health, and resiliency during the COVID-19 pandemic. American Journal of Criminal Justice, 45, 718–730.

Topic 5: Intervention Officers Could be Alternatives to Police

Intervention officers could be alternatives to police [Letters to the Editor]. (2020, August 14). Washington Post.


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