
You are tasked with the responsibility of writing a 1-2 page position paper  on the subject: Should We Permit A Market In The Selling and Buying Human Kidneys? To aid in the completion of the task, you are required to read and digest a classis argument in favor of such a market that was advanced by Gary S. Becker.

More particularly, your position paper should

Accurately summarize the economic argument that Becker uses to advance and support his argument. Be especially alert to any economic concepts and/or principles that he employs

Cite data relevant to this issue and hyperlink the source(s) from which the data is drawn: How many people die each year from the inability to secure a kidney? Is Kidney disease more prevalent amongst some demographic groups than others?

Identify, retrieve, and read one article that opposes the argument advanced by people like Becker. Be sure to identify to identify any economic or moral principles that the author uses to support her/his position. Provide your instructor with a hyperlink to all sources.

Take a position and be able to briefly defend that position.


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