Network Powerpoint

 Build a substance-based PowerPoint presentation. You are present the presentation with voice over. This can be accomplished with the PowerPoint based features or you can use a software of your choice, such as Prezi Video, Zoom, or your computer installed video/audio features. The presentation is to contain at least 10 slides with an introduction, body and summary slides on the concepts listed below from Week 5 Readings.  Be sure to address each item, so you capitalize on all available points. Remember to provide a summary and note that the quality of your presentation will have some bearing on your total points. You want to use images, videos on YouTube, if available, hyperlinks and other supportive diagram where necessary.  

Examples of wired media would include the following:

  • Twisted-pair cable is used for telephone systems and network cabling.
  • Coaxial cable is often used for cable television wiring.
  • Fiber-optic cable is capable of carrying significantly more data at faster speeds than wired cables.

Examples of wireless media would include the following:

  • Broadcast radio distributes radio signals over long and short distances.
  • Cellular radio is a form of broadcast radio used for mobile communications.
  • Microwave station, which is earth-based reflective dish used for microwave communications, and it must transmit in straight line with no obstructions.

Be sure to address the following:

  • Introduction – provide the reader a bulleted list of all the points your will discuss in the presentation.
  • From the Analog to the Digital Age – discuss how digital and analog data differ and what a modem does (Audio is required).
  • Explain Network Architectures (Audio is required).
  • Networks – discuss the benefits of networks and three types of networks, their components, and variations (Audio is required).
  • Wired Communication Media – discuss three types of wired communications media (Audio is required).
  • Wireless Communication Media – discuss three types of wireless communications media (Audio is required).
  • Cyberthreats, Hackers, & Safeguards – describe areas of concern for keeping a computer system safe (Audio is required).
  • Summary – provide the reader a bulleted list of all the major points you discussed in the presentation.
  • Overall Quality of Presentation with audio support using MS PowerPoint Voice Over feature, Prezi Video, My Computer video/audio, Zoom or other available audio/video software (included images, video, audio and content hyperlinks where needed to extend presentation).
  • Remember to give your source credit using APA format!
  • Try not to exceed 30MB in presentation size, so you may submit your completed work. If still too large, delete some of the multimedia.


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