obesity in adolescents

Each CLC team will create a PowerPoint presentation that addresses an area of health psychology and increases patient adherence to medical advice. The goal is to attempt to solve a specific problem. Address the following:

Your health issue for this assignment should be the same one that you chose for Topic 4.

Select a topic: topics include subjects that have been covered in the course thus far (e.g., substance abuse, adherence to complex medical regimens, reducing health risks to cardiovascular disease, cancer, or diabetes).
Program design includes:

  1. Target population
  2. Scope of the current problem
  3. Location in which the program will be implemented. Justify why this location is chosen.
  4. Specific techniques or strategies implemented. Include research to support why these are the best techniques or strategies.
  5. Discuss ways to help patients adhere to medical advice.
  6. Logistical concerns: cost or community/provider attitudes

Use school databases; include four to six outside references or other resources for evidentiary support which may include the textbook or assigned readings.

CLC members will compile the assignment into one PowerPoint presentation.

Please include speaker notes for each slide. It is expected that you have speaker notes of 25-50 words per slide.


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