

 Think about a familiar clinical practice area where interest groups are attempting to bring about a change in clinical care or systems of service delivery.  Assume new, game-changing research finding are published and received wide attention.  Identify groups that might have an interest in these finding.  What are their likely reactions to new research? The […]

Privacy and Confidentiality ReportPrivacy and Confidentiality Report

 Privacy and confidentiality are the key fundamental elements for building trust between a health care provider and the patient. When compromised or breached, the patient–provider relationship can suffer, making for potentially poor outcomes. In the Privacy and Confidentiality Report template, you will review a real-life scenario in which Ben Smithfield observes potential areas of concern […]


 BUS 5110 Group Project: For this activity, you have been hired as a consultant on a multi-year basis for a global washer and dryer manufacturer. They currently offer two core washer and dryer sets: a high-end model set and an economical model set. 1. For your first assignment, management has provided the following revenue and […]


  Unit Conversions in the US System Unit Conversions in the Metric System Unit Conversion Between Systems Rewrite English Phrases into Algebraic Expressions Algebraic Expressions and Applications with Integers Solve Equations with the Subtraction and Addition Properties of Equality Solve Equations with the Division and Multiplication Properties of Equality Distance, Rate, and Time and Literal […]

Writing assignment7Writing assignment7

Read the prompts on page 193 of your textbook. Choose one and write one paragraph about it. Use a variety of these structures: Time Words and Past Continuous. Write at least 10 sentences. Underline or highlight (ten) Time Words and Past Continuous. 1.  Write about a major historical event that took place in your country […]

Reflection 2Reflection 2

1.  Make full Discussion and explain the terminology and concepts of the following 3 topics under women and gender studies. 1. sex, gender and bodies 2. gendered identities 3. media influence on women 2.  Explain and discuss why you find the topic below interesting and how the concept apply to our current environment and/or personal […]

health analytic question / health information management question –health analytic question / health information management question –

 I JUST NEED THE ANSWER The book “Middleman Economy” states that “Middlemen are more prevalent-and more important-than ever. Agents, brokers, dealers, and resellers get a bad rap, but they play a crucial role in almost every platform today-including the ones that were meant to cut them out of the transaction. As a result, being an […]