

What is work? Why work? Respond to these questions in a couple of sentences on the discussion threads. These are your views. Present them in a paragraph or two with specific examples to justify your rationale. including reactions to the Power Point on the overall meaning of work, historical implication of work, and the personal […]

Module 9 reflectionModule 9 reflection

  Think about a time you observed young children playing. Did you  notice that some children played in groups while others played  individually? Young children engage in different play categories as they  learn and develop. What are the different categories of play? What are  the benefits of these different types of play?  What are the […]

the 12 angry manthe 12 angry man

   Using the information from the Week 4 lecture, you will analize the film 12 Angry Men and its characters from a communications perspective.You must watch the film in its entirety, take notes and answer the specific questions posted in the Week 5 Discussion Board forum. You may want to have the questions with you as […]

ESD-565 Steam Chart MappingESD-565 Steam Chart Mapping

Rather than teaching science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics as separate and discrete subjects, STEAM integrates them into interdependent learning units based on real-world applications. This allows students to make cross-curricular connections and teaches them to apply their learning. It can also be beneficial in allowing students to access their own strengths and use them […]


Assign DSM-5-TR and ICD-10 codes to services based upon the patient case scenario.  Then, in 1–2 pages address the following. You may add your narrative answers to these questions to the bottom of the case scenario document and submit altogether as one document. Explain what pertinent information, generally, is required in documentation to support DSM-5-TR and ICD-10 […]

Drills with R on importing and plotting data, and finding the distribution measuresDrills with R on importing and plotting data, and finding the distribution measures

Provide in the plain text R commands that finds/solves the following:   The student directory for a large university has 400 pages with 130 names per page, a total of 52,000 names. Using software, show how to select a simple random sample of 10 names.   From the Murder data file, use the variable murder, which […]

Needing help with HSA302 assignment week 10Needing help with HSA302 assignment week 10

Due to a recent increase in the number of cases involving interpersonal and interdepartmental conflict in your organization, HR has made the decision to develop a training program on conflict resolution. Instructions Prepare a 10–12 slides PowerPoint presentation with speaker notes that includes each of the elements listed and supported credible sources of research: Develop a […]