
week one discussion socialweek one discussion social

  Read over the following articles and describe how automaticity plays a role in our life. Specifically, answer: How can we take the work of Bargh, Chen, and Burrows (1996) and apply it to other areas?  That is, what other applications and examples can you give that would use similar principles (e.g., priming people to […]


Business case:  Hospital Patient processing system You were tasked to improve the performance of the local hospital Patient processing system There are three databases in the new IT system: The patient database will record and authenticate each patient in the hospital The employee database will record and authenticate each employee in the hospital The ambulance database will record […]

Assessment 5 Instructions: Leader Guidebook 4012Assessment 5 Instructions: Leader Guidebook 4012

  Write a leader guidebook of best practices for new supervisors in your current organization or an organization with which you are familiar, based on the new science realities. Introduction This assessment provides you the opportunity to demonstrate a solid theory of leadership in a practical application that you can use in your organization. The […]

Assessment 4 Instructions: Leadership Analysis in Organizations 4012Assessment 4 Instructions: Leadership Analysis in Organizations 4012

  Create a 7-9 page leadership analysis using the narrative and summary of the leadership interviews you conducted. Introduction This assessment gives you the opportunity to synthesize and demonstrate your understanding and experience interviewing leaders and how the leadership characteristics you analyzed relate to leadership theories, the New Business Realities, and the Thinking Habits. The […]

Assessment 3 Instructions: Interviews With Leaders 4012Assessment 3 Instructions: Interviews With Leaders 4012

  Based on the interviews you completed in Assessment 2, write a report that describes your interview experiences, summarizes your findings, and analyzes your interviewees’ personal characteristics as they align with effective leadership. Introduction The purpose of this assessment is to consolidate your experience interviewing two leaders and to incorporate what you have learned thus […]

Wellness check upWellness check up

  Discussion Topic: Soap Note 1 “ADULT”  Wellness check up Requirements – The discussion must address the topic – Rationale must be provided – Use at least 600 words, complete the form, I have attached a sample to guide you when doing the assignment.It is a check up for a healthy person. – Formatted and […]

Week AssignmentWeek Assignment

Successful teachers evaluate the internal and external environmental factors that can influence the learning outcomes of students. Such influences range from family and cultural backgrounds to political, economic, and social elements. Urie Bronfenbrenner supported involving families in the development and education of early learners. Families and educators play important roles in influencing a child’s environment, […]

Week 1 Topic 2Week 1 Topic 2

“Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it” (Proverbs 22:6, New International Version). How can individual family values and environmental factors influence the worldview and decision-making of young children? ( 150 words please cite )

Week 1 Topic 1Week 1 Topic 1

Discuss personal family, cultural, and community values that have affected your development through childhood. How can these experiences help support your empathy for a student’s personal experiences and development? ( 150 words and please cite)