Part 4 solution

I have attached the 4 four solutions part I turned it.  The final submission should be a continuation of part 3. The final solution I want to chose for my solution would be more parental engagement programs.  Include how it relates to George H. Oliver Elementary School

Begin with an introduction paragraph explaining what you are going to do in this part. Make a connection between the previous part and this part.

Overview of the Four Solutions

Provide an overview of each of the four solutions from Part 3. One paragraph, approximately 5-6 academic sentences with current scholarly literature.

Advantages (Pros) and Disadvantages (Cons) of Solutions

In this introduction paragraph, gather your evidence and validate your assertions. Provide an introduction regarding the importance of identifying pros and cons of a solution. This should be supported by the literature; one paragraph, approximately 5-6 academic sentences with current scholarly literature.

Solution One: Solution Title 

In this opening paragraph, introduce your Solution One. This section should be supported by the current scholarly literature; one paragraph, approximately 5-6 academic sentences. 

Pros. Begin your information here. Include 1-2 advantages of selecting this solution to solve your problem.

Cons. Begin your information here. Include 1-2 disadvantages of selecting this solution to solve your problem.

Solution Two: Solution Title 

In this opening paragraph, introduce your Solution Two. This section should be supported by the current scholarly literature; one paragraph, approximately 5-6 academic sentences. 

Pros. Begin your information here. Include 1-2 advantages of selecting this solution to solve your problem.

Cons. Begin your information here. Include 1-2 disadvantages of selecting this solution to solve your problem.

Solution Three: Solution Title 

In this opening paragraph, introduce your Solution Three. This section should be supported by the current scholarly literature; one paragraph, approximately 5-6 academic sentences. 

Pros. Begin your information here. Include 1-2 advantages of selecting this solution to solve your problem.

Cons. Begin your information here. Include 1-2 disadvantages of selecting this solution to solve your problem.

Solution Four: Solution Title 

In this opening paragraph, introduce your Solution Four. This section should be supported by the current scholarly literature; one paragraph, approximately 5-6 academic sentences. 

Pros. Begin your information here. Include 1-2 advantages of selecting this solution to solve your problem.

Cons. Begin your information here. Include 1-2 disadvantages of selecting this solution to solve your problem.

Discussion of Barriers In this opening part, gather your evidence and validate your assertions. Provide an introduction regarding the importance of identifying barriers/obstacles of a solution. This section should be supported by the literature; one paragraph, approximately 5-6 academic sentences with current scholarly literature.

Solution One: Solution Title 

In this opening paragraph, mention the barrier(s) you may face if you implement this solution to solve the problem. Describe how you would address the barrier for your organization. If there were no barriers, how would your organization accept the solution? If there were a barrier, how would you address each barrier? This section should be supported by the literature; one to two paragraphs, approximately 5-6 academic sentences with current scholarly literature.

Solution Two: Solution Title 

In this opening paragraph, mention the barrier(s) you may face if you implement this solution to solve the problem. Describe how you would address the barrier for your organization. If there were no barriers, how would your organization accept the solution? If there were a barrier, how would you address each barrier? This section should be supported by the literature; one to two paragraphs, approximately 5-6 academic sentences with current scholarly literature.

Solution Three: Solution Title 

In this opening paragraph, mention the barrier(s) you may face if you implement this solution to solve the problem. Describe how you would address the barrier for your organization. If there were no barriers, how would your organization accept the solution? If there were a barrier, how would you address each barrier? This section should be supported by the literature; one to two paragraphs, approximately 5-6 academic sentences with current scholarly literature.

Solution Four: Solution Title

In this opening paragraph, mention the barrier(s) you may face if you implement this solution to solve the problem. Describe how you would address the barrier for your organization. If there were no barriers, how would your organization accept the solution? If there were a barrier, how would you address each barrier? This section should be supported by the literature; one to two paragraphs, approximately 5-6 academic sentences with current scholarly literature.

Summary of Rationale for Selected Solution 

In this opening paragraph, begin by explaining which one solution you selected from the above listed four. From the solution you have chosen, identify your reasons for choosing this solution (e.g., it has the fewest organizational barriers, it offers the most benefits, it has been successful in organizations similar to yours). This section should be supported by the literature; one to two paragraphs, approximately 5-6 academic sentences with current scholarly literature.


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