Pick a Medical person who Name at least two contemporary creative thinkers (currently alive or recently deceased) who more recently similarly impacted the world with their own creative thinking.


Up until this point, you have read about various “creators” in the “Creators on Creating”  textbook.  Clearly these are people who have impacted the world with  their thinking and creative ways of looking at the world.  Name at least   two contemporary  creative thinkers (currently alive or recently deceased) who more  recently similarly impacted the world with their own creative thinking.   This can be in MEDICINE .   (Please Note: You cannot use the following people since everyone uses  them:

  • Steve Jobs
  • Oprah Winfrey
  • Jeff Bezos
  • Tyler Perry
  • Donald Trump
  • Mark Zuckerburg
  • Elon Musk
  • Bill Gates

Please make an effort to select someone with notable qualities we have been talking about and not the first celebrity you think of.).   Briefly describe why you feel that way in similar terms as the author  is using as best you can briefly.  In other words convince us to use the  person you have chosen if a new edition of “Creators on Creating” was being written.


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