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Organizational Change Planning

You are a leader of a large bank organization. Your organization is acquiring another regional bank which may involve major changes in policies and procedures including human resources as you merge the two organizations. You have scheduled a planning session with your top managers.
Develop a planning document for the meeting. The document should be in standard APA format and address the following:

· Describe the types of change the organization could experience and how to create procedures for dealing with each.

· An analysis of potential change approaches to implement these changes in both organizations.

· Recommendations for dealing with resistance to change.

This document must adhere to the following parameters:

· Be at least 3-4 pages in length.

· Be supported by 3-4 scholarly credible references; all facts must be supported; in-text references used throughout the assignment must be included in an APA-formatted reference list. 

· Also make use of the following resources and incorporate them into your assignment as cited references.


o Anexander, S., & Wakimoto, D. K. (2020). Leading others to lead: The importance of staff empowerment in times of changeLinks to an external site.. Library Leadership & Management, 34(2), 1–10.

o Samal, A., & Chatterjee, D. (2020). Rethinking organizational change: Towards a conceptual frameworkLinks to an external site.. South Asian Journal of Management, 27(2), 30–53.

o Banerjee, D., & Lowalekar, H. (2021). Communicating for change: A systems thinking approachLinks to an external site.. Journal of Organizational Change Management, 34(5), 1018–1035.


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