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 Carefully review the simulation’s introductory information and instructions, as well as the information in the OM Simulation Descriptions and Implementation Tips. After completing the simulation, capture a screen image of your final simulation results, including the rubric evaluation metrics (i.e., MAPE), which are to be included in your Critical Thinking Assignment.

  1. The Operations Quality Management assignment content must include the following:

  • 2.2 Provide a brief definition of operations quality management and identify why it is important in an organization’s operations
  • 2.3 Provide a brief overview description of the Quality Management Simulation, including the targeted goals of the simulation.
  • 2.4 Describe specifics about the model or approach used as the basis for your strategy in performing the Quality Management Simulation; in an appendix, including an illustrated (worked-out) example of a formula, calculation, or technique developed as a central part of your Quality Management Simulation strategy. Clearly describe what your investment priority strategy based on quality considerations was.
  • 2.5 Describe at least three operations quality management methods, principles, or techniques experienced in the Quality Management Simulation. These may include benchmarking, employee involvement, customer feedback, PDCA, cause and effect diagram, House of Quality, etc.
  • 2.6 Clearly describe your simulation results and indicate how well they met the targeted simulation goals.
  • 2.7 Itemize at least three lessons learned from the Quality Management Simulation and describe how this understanding is important for a career in operations management.  Here you can describe a relationship of failure rates, internal/external failures, cost of quality, investment priorities and profit; what impacted most for star rating; any surprises; etc.
  • 2.8 Conclusion should present a recap of key points and summary of main emphasis without repeating verbatim and exclusive of new information.


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