

Step 1 

Prepare the date – Replace all bundle prices (highlighted in YELLOW) on the Analysis tab of the working sheet — Bundling – PSet1 – Part 2 — by following these steps:

  1. Go to WTP tab and look for the row with total willingness to pay for each bundle (row 103, Bundle WTP).
  2. Add a new sheet/tab and use Excel’s transpose function to copy/paste these values in a vertical array. Copy this array and paste ‘values only’ in a separate column. Sort this column from smallest to largest values. Copy/paste the sorted values in Analysis tab to replace the bundle prices.
  3. Observe the new Bundle Demand and Bundle Profit curves.
Step 2

For students in EU: You may need to change an Excel setting so all periods ‘.’ do not get changed to commas ‘,’. This may be the case for both Windows (see the adjacent cell) and Macintosh users. See instructions below to avoid this problem. ( Instructions about how to change column labels from numbers to letters: 

  1. Select the File tab in the toolbar at the top of the screen
  2. Click on Options in the menu
  3. This will pop open the Excel Options window, click on the Formulas option on the left
  4. Uncheck the option called “R1C1 reference style”
  5. Click on the OK button to save changes


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