As a counselor-in-training, it is important to reflect on the ongoing development of your professional identity. Using resources provided in the Learning Resources for Week 9, select a writing topic from the provided “Think It Over” Topic List. Identifying a minimum of three additional scholarly references to support your perspectives and reflect on your internship site, you will submit an analysis of your chosen topic regarding Professional Identity, including the following:
- Overview of your chosen topic
- In depth reflection of your insights regarding the counselor role related to your chosen topic
- Description of the aspects of your site that are relevant in the exploration of your topic (i.e. population, key diagnoses, and geographical location).
- Analysis of the ACA Code of Ethics Considerations as they pertain to your chosen topic.
- Professional Dispositions relevant to your chosen topic.
- Opportunities to impact Social Change mission as they pertain to your chosen topic.
DUE 10/27 by 5:00 PM E/T