Part 1.
Read “Appendix A: MS Project 2016”.
Part 2.
Research 3 other project management software tools (include at least 1 smartphone or tablet app). You should find information about the pricing, features, and usage of each.
Part 3.
Answer the following questions in a short paper:
What functions and capabilities does project management software provide that you cannot do easily using other tools such as spreadsheets or databases?
Do a comparative analysis of MS Project and the three other software tools you researched. This can be in the form of an MS Word table, showing a comparison of each in terms of specific features, pricing, etc. Or you can write a brief synopsis of each.
How can organizations justify investing in enterprise or portfolio project management software?
Your paper should be in APA format and 3-4 pages, not counting the title page and reference pages. Make sure you have in-text citations and a reference page.