M7 Q1
Nothing to fear but fear itself. Which is worse, having too much fear or too little? Why?
In your discussion, try to make reference to specific documented examples or other empirical research whenever possible.
M7 Q2
Applying Theories of Emotion. Think of an emotional experience you recently had. Relate it to one or more theories of emotion that were discussed in the text, lectures, or readings. Discuss which parts of your experience fit the theory and which do not, and comment on other how other people’s posted examples relate to emotion theories.
M7 Q3
What are they good for? Why do we have emotions? What evolutionary purpose do you think they served? Are they still useful in modern life, or is the environment in which we live so different from the one in which our species evolved that our emotional responses are no longer adaptive? Give examples to support your position.
M7 Q4
Post a link to an example of a purported report of psychological research in the news or on the web, or something that appears to use psychological research to support its claims. Include the DOI or URL linking to it. It can be a particularly good example of research, or a particularly bad example of (alleged) research – either would make for an interesting discussion. Try to find something related to one of the topics we have covered in the course so far.
Describe it briefly. Be sure to summarize and paraphrase in your own words. Identify the type of research that it is based on, and give enough information so that your reader can evaluate the strength of the evidence.
Each question should be around 150-200 words
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