To prepare for this assignment:
- Review the web article, “Issue Brief 1: Adolescent Legal Competence in Court.” Think about how this information might assist a forensic psychology professional who is tasked with assessing a juvenile’s competency to stand trial.
- Using the Walden Library, select a research article dealing with the assessment of juvenile competency to stand trial.
- Review the article you selected and reflect on how the study was conducted as well as how it might assist a forensic psychology professional who is tasked with assessing a juvenile’s competency to stand trial.
The assignment (1–2 pages):
- Explain the use of forensic psychology research in court settings.
- Briefly summarize the research study you selected, including how juvenile competency to stand trial was assessed.
- Explain how a forensic psychology professional might use this research study when assessing a juvenile’s competency to stand trial.
Support your Assignment with specific references to all resources used in its preparation. You are asked to provide a reference list only for those resources not included in the Learning Resources for this week.