
Prior to beginning work on this assignment,

For this assignment, you may also wish to upload your work to your ePortfolio in addition to Waypoint so that, once you graduate, it can also be used to demonstrate your skills and competencies to potential employers and the professional community. Learn more about Folio, UAGC’s ePortfolio tool, by viewing the Setting Up and Using FolioLinks to an external site. guide.

In prior weeks, you learned about finance and financial analysis. This week you will put it all together. Using the Walmart Case Study and your selected country, you will complete a comprehensive recommendation to Walmart executives either recommending or forgoing expansion into your selected country.

In your paper,

  • Summarize the culture and financial climate of the country and why it would be favorable or unfavorable for Walmart to expand in that region.
  • Describe your country’s foreign exchange rates and how those rates could impact Walmart’s future financial performance. Be sure to address:
    • interest rates,
    • balance of payments,
    • government policies, and
    • other factors such as taxes and tariffs.
  • Describe how Walmart needs to manage foreign exchange risk.
  • Analyze any potential political risk and its impact to the financials.
  • Propose how Walmart should fund this new expansion.

The Walmart International Expansion Recommendation final paper

Accessibility Statement: If you have a disability that impacts your ability to successfully participate in this or any other course activity, please provide your instructor with your authorized Accommodation Request form from the Office of Student Access and Wellness so that they can discuss and arrange an alternative plan with you.

Carefully review the Grading RubricLinks to an external site. for the criteria that will be used to evaluate your assignment.


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