The “big idea” is a bold, creative initiative that builds on strategy and corroborating research that
joins the product benefits/features with consumer demand and consumer’s taste and preferences
(documented) in a fresh and involving way, brings the subject to life, and makes the reader or the
audience stop, look, and listen. The big idea requires inspiration and gives life to an idea while a
strategy requires deduction and only describes the direction of a message. The advertising strategy
focuses on the description and explanation of the rationale and overall approach to what the
advertising will say, how it says it, and why. It is summed up in the creative brief.
The big idea is about fresh, new ideas that draw a viewer’s attention to your
advertisement/promotion. Big ideas are always, simple and very easy to understand. They
stimulate the mind and often times they will stir a viewer’s emotions. The big idea is the unique
selling proposition, Volkswagen’s was “think small,” Duncan Donuts’ “time to make the
donuts,” Alka-Seltzer’s “I can’t believe I ate the whole thing.” Many marketing and advertising
researchers think the time for the big idea has come and gone; especially with the emergence and
popularity of social media and internet marketing.
To get started in developing the big idea for your product, I suggest you complete this “creative
brief.” In addition, completing the creative brief (this Promotions Project: Creative
Development Questionnaire Assignment) will help you articulate the big idea into an
advertisement/promotion for your Promotions Project: Big Idea and Media PowerPoint
Assignment that needs to be drafted in a later module. The Promotions Project: Creative
Development Questionnaire Assignment is simply the most important issues to develop the
advertisement/promotion around. NOTE: Many of these questions may not be relevant to your
product. Make sure you can articulate why you didn’t answer a certain question.
Create a Word document by completing this Promotions Project: Creative Development
Questionnaire Assignment. You must fully articulate and explicate each question/section. If
you find a question or a part of a question not applicable, please provide a detailed explanation.
Your grade for this Promotions Project: Creative Development Questionnaire Assignment is
based solely upon the creativity and attention to the details involved in each section. There is no
minimum page count for this Promotions Project: Creative Development Questionnaire
Assignment, this is a creative assignment. Therefore, be creative and think “out-of-the-box.” 


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