Read description (Internship II ) Week 1 Discussion

DUE Friday October 22, 2023 by 10:00 PM USA time

al. *Answer prompt 

**For a response label the answer with the letter corresponding to which prompt your answering

***All answers should be based on School Guidance and Academic counselor perspective

**** Answer with minimum of 150 each prompt

***** No Plagiarizing

A. Describe experiences related to any of the following: (1) core counseling theories (2) professionalism, ethics, and/or legal mandates (3) student academic development (4) student college and career development (5) social/emotional development (6) growth and development and/or Learning Theory (7) leadership and advocacy in social justice, equity, and/or access (8) school structure/program development (9) research and/or technology.

 B. Describe your experience with maintaining professional and/or ethical boundaries in school counseling. 

C. Describe your experiences with alternative pathways to high school completion. D. Describe your experiences with 504 Plans and/or IEPs.

J. Describe an area that you would like to explore further and/or develop your skills further.

 K. Describe your experiences with impacting climate in your school environment. 

L. Describe your experience with building relationships with your school administrator.


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