

This assignment will explore Ellis’s Irrational Beliefs, but if you have read the chapter on Existentialism you will see the tie in. READ INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY. 

First:  Complete this worksheet.  You may print it out or download the word doc and answer the questions on the word doc.  You do not need to submit this worksheet but you’ll need it for the second part.  Here’s the worksheet.  BELIEFS INVENTORY.docx

Follow the first set of instructions at the top of the first page and mark the statements that you agree with or disagree with.  There are instructions on scoring following the statements, don’t read them until you’ve finished responding to the statements, then follow the instructions that follow the statements to score your worksheet.

Second:  After you have your scores, note which particular Irrational Beliefs you scored highest on.  Use your top THREE (3) Irrational Beliefs for the second step. 

View the PPT  :  Irrational Beliefs.pptx

Then use the Word doc: What is Irrational.docx

Note your top 3 Irrational Beliefs and use the examples of alternative thoughts/beliefs in the What is Irrational document to come up with your OWN original challenges to your 3 Irrational Beliefs.  

Third:  Write a few paragraphs on how you might use insights gained from this exercise and how adopting more rational beliefs about situations might benefit you personally- what would life be like if you let go of the irrational belief? THIS REFLECTION IS THE ONLY THING YOU WILL SUBMIT FOR THE ASSIGNMENT.  It does not need to be APA, just your thoughts.


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