

The time when I learned and unlearned something was when I first started operating the light board at Valdosta State University, and the reason why this an example of something learned and unlearned is because even though I have been operating the light board since the fall of 2021 I still haven’t memorized where all the buttons are and how to get to dimmer check for the begging of a show checklist that I have to do with the stage manager. 

The first stage of Kolb’s framework is the Concreat Experience and my experience with this is that when a new person who is learning the light board for the first time is shown what buttons are for the next cue and they are also shown how to dim the lights and how to take the light out when it is called by the stage manager. After someone has been the light board operator for some time they are shown how to either program the light board or shown the stages of designing a show. When someone is shown how to either program the light board or shown the stages of designing a show that stage of Kolb’s framework is called reflective observation. The reason why this is a good example of reflective observation is because I have been observing people and shadowing people who have been programming the light board. The reason why I wanted to be a programmer is that I wanted to showcase that I can think with my brain when you are operating the light board the stage manager tells you when the next cues are by using a word a special word that they use which is go and they are the only ones to use that special word and the reason why is because if someone who is not the stage manager and they say it. It can cause chaos on stage for the actors and people who are on the crew as well. After watching someone do it for a while sometimes a director will want to get someone new to see if they have what it takes to become either a programmer or a designer. The director will do this to give someone an active experiment, and after a few years of doing this, they will let the person do it on their own which they will accommodate a person who is designing a show. 



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