Respond to Chelsey post

Because the women’s movement required money and donations to continue on the path of gaining rights for women to vote, in our reading this week: “Burned by her experience with Phillips, Anthony wanted wealthy women to prioritize giving to the movement.” Quickly they learned that they could not rely on money from men as they wanted to control how the money was spent. Anthony encouraged women who were well off to donate to the movement. Without her continued fund raising the movement would not have continued to move forward.

No one anticipated that the ERA ratification would be a problem in the early 1970s. But in our reading we have the following: “As a result neither congressional sponsors, supporters such as NOW, nor anyone else prepared to campaign vigorously for ERA ratification in the states.”

Respond to your peers by comparing one of their selections to your own. Reflect on the similarities and differences between the conclusions you each made based on the evidence you selected.


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