Respond to Ciara Post

Hello Class,

   I chose to write my discussion post on the Deviant Place Theory. I chose this certain theory because it stood out to me more than the others, due to the fact that it did not involve the victim influencing the crime in some way like the other theories. I think the the Deviant Place Theory is separate from the others because victimization is only caused by the victim being in “bad” areas. (Laine Harper, 2014). A victim increases their chances of being a victim of crime when they exposed themselves to areas that are known to be high of crime. This theory focus on the fact that victimization can be extremely random, you just have to be at the wrong place at the wrong time. 

   I believe that one weakness from this theory is that it does not take note of the people that have no choice to live in those “bad” areas, and they have no where else to go. The areas the consist of high crime rates also tends to have the cheaper housing, which could be the only thing minority groups could afford. “For example, South Central Los Angeles is notorious for its gangs and high crime rate. The more an individual ventures into South Central, the more likely they are to become the victim of a crime there.” (Laine Harper, 2014). So, imagine the people that are raised there with no way out, everyday those people have a chance with being a victim of crime even though they are not involved in it. 

  If a business were to be in an area with a high crime rate, they increase their chances of becoming a victim. That is why when grocery stores are placed in those areas, most of the items are locked up to reduce the possibility of someone stealing their product. Additionally, they increase the possibility of getting robbed or even harming the people within that business. When a community has grown up doing things that negatively impact the community, any business that is built in that region will be prone to crime and violence.  


Laine Harper. (2014, August 23). The Four Theories of Victimization. Soapboxie; Soapboxie.

For your two response posts, respond to one peer who chose the same theory that you did and a peer who chose a different theory. In your responses, consider the following questions:

  • Is there something in their support of their chosen theory that you did not consider?
  • Are there other weaknesses or shortcomings of their theory that you feel should be considered?

Remember to be respectful and polite in your responses to your peers.


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