Respond to John Post

Revising your ideas is important mainly because you need to rethink certain ways of writing or if you are trying to plan some big social gathering for friends and family. Like me I am currently making a home made campaign story for some friends in the D&D world. I am constantly revising ideas for different side quests and the main story along with it. Asking for feedback on yours or someone else’s work is also as important because you are getting a different set of eyes and brain looking at your work and you can see if something needs to be added or changed. Do not be afraid to ask for feedback from anyone at any point in time. 

I would mainly apply the Organization revision to my work because I want to make sure I am conveying the right information towards the subject. Keeping it punctual and formal all the way through. Keeping your work organized will help with getting rid of unnecessary clutter in your words and say what you are wanting to say neatly and concise.

The biggest smaller revision I would apply is grammar. I am sometimes bad at spelling this and making sure I used the right words to get my point across in a paper I write, or email to a colleague or boss for an important scenario. Grammar is extremely important to focus on when doing anything. Whether that be in the work place or at home. Do not skip the smaller details.

  1. Identify a peer’s post that discusses a large-scale strategy different than your own. Then discuss how you might apply that strategy to your work.
  2. Identify a peer’s post that discusses a small-scale strategy different than your own. Then discuss how you might apply that strategy to your work


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