Hey Everyone,
In Nick Bostrom’s simulation argument, he talks about the possibility that our universe might be a computer simulation created by a highly advanced civilization. The three possibilities are:
1. We are in many simulations
2. We are in the technological post human stage
3. You are probably in a simulation
The one I personally find most plausible would probably be that we are in the technological post human stage. In this possibility, the idea says that it’s possible for a highly advanced civilization to create technology so advanced that they can create incredibly realistic simulated worlds, like the ones in video games or movies. This seems plausible to me because we’ve seen our own technology evolve very rapidly in todays modern age. If you were to compare a video game that people play today compared to one that was made just 10 years ago, the difference in how realistic it looks is enough to make you question just how far we can advance our technology within even just 50 years. Although I don’t think this argument is worth investigating because of the lack of any evidence. I feel like this argument is just to get us to think more about the world around us. The other two possibilities are just as outlandish and are really just a topic of conversation when questioning our existence and reality. Besides, the only other ways to gather evidence to see if this is the situation or not, would be to further our own technology in order for us to compare and see what patterns align to create an argument.