Response to disc 6


The first way to get involved in advocacy is to participate in a delegation meeting, a valuable means of establishing a connection with local politicians. The primary objective of the Florida Nurses Political Action Committee is to support political candidates and advocate for favorable political outcomes and legislation that promotes the welfare of nursing professionals and the healthcare sector. Any individual who meets the criteria for being in an advantageous position within the organization can participate in the Political Action Committee (PAC). Nurses can get involved by donating to PAC. Moreover, a nurse can assume the role of a Legislative District Coordinator (LDC) and actively participate in various political endeavors to advocate for FNA’s political stances on legislative matters that impact nurses in Florida. Lastly, nurses can participate in the FNA Advocacy Days event organized by the FNA, which aims to provide nurses with the necessary tools to assert their position on legislative matters that directly impact the profession and the welfare of the people under our care. During the annual Advocacy Days event, participants convene to enhance their understanding of prevailing legislative matters and specific proposals related to healthcare and nursing. Participating in the yearly Advocacy Days is more relevant to me after I gain knowledge and experience to better address issues and problems in the field. Establishing robust connections with policymakers and effectively communicating our demands and aspirations can provide a valuable chance to serve as advocates for patients and the nursing field.

The degree and efficacy of this monitoring are contingent upon the patient load assigned to each nurse. It is critical that nurses struggle with the nurse-patient ratio, and many nurses are stressed due to insufficient personnel. An increase in the number of patients allocated to a registered nurse above the recommended ratio substantially impacts the likelihood of unnecessary mortality; extended hospital stays, higher readmission rates, and worse patient satisfaction, leading to diminished efficacy of healthcare, inferior patient outcomes, and increased healthcare expenditures. Optimal staffing levels will reduce mistakes, enhance patient happiness, and foster nurse retention rates. Moreover, more patients in the community will seek help at Lower Keys Medical Center instead of trying to find it on the mainland. Therefore, I would encourage recruiting more nurses and healthcare providers who provide quality over quantity because that matters to patient safety and satisfaction. Barbara Lumpkin Toolkit suggests engaging in interpersonal communication with acquaintances and community members and conducting a thorough study to have a comprehensive understanding of the process. Knowing the demands of our community is essential to knowing the required personnel that can safely serve and deliver high-quality care. Contacting legislators and scheduling appointments is often considered optimal for effectively conveying the issue. Barbara Lumpkin Toolkit suggests paying attention and learning the legislator’s thoughts. If a legislator favors the position, seeking additional advice on the topic would be appropriate.


Advocacy days – Florida Nurses Association. (n.d.). to an external site.

Cherry, B., & Jacob, S. R. (2021). Contemporary Nursing E-Book: Issues, Trends, & Management. Elsevier Health Sciences.


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