Responses A/B Six


In all projects, there would potentially be conflicts and resistance that can affect the effectiveness of the team. Conflicts will normally cause confusion and could affect the consultancy agreed upon deadline. According to (Herrity, 2023) many employers use team effectiveness models to help them organize staff members into various teams. Having the best team members in place to generate results is the best approach for consultancy success which is the purpose of team effectiveness models. Using team effectiveness models to group employees can increase productivity, boost innovation, and encourage mentorship (Herrity, 2023). There are several effectiveness models such as the GRPI model and the Katzenbach and Smith models. The GRPI model is used by businesses for team development and problem-solving. This model focuses on four components which are Goals, Roles, Procedures, and interpersonal relationships. This model helps to define the objective and delegates responsibilities, procedures, communication, and trust (Herrity, 2023)

The Katzenbach and Smith model focuses more on goals. These goals focus more on personal growth, collective work product, and performance results. According to (Herrity, 2023) personal growth is the progress of each individual in the team is important to keep employees motivated, productive, and satisfied with their career progress.  The collective work product is the key goal and measurable indicator of success (Herrity, 2023). The work of this team focuses on the purpose and goals. The performance results keep the tea on task eliminate waste and be more efficient. The Katzenbach and Smith model also focuses on skills, accountability, and commitment (Herrity, 2023).

Data collection is essential to consultancy to ensure that you are guiding the organization in the right direction. Several sources can be used. According to (Nessle et al., 2023) researchers often struggle to integrate quantitative data. Data is typically collected through surveys which can offer a different perspective from employees or consumers. According to (Nessle et al., 2023)surveys provide quality improvement initiatives by assessing an organization’s quality. Another source for collecting data is by reviewing reports and reviewing data trends. Data collection and methodologies are thought to require particular attention to develop algorithms for predictions(Rodriguez et al., 2019).


Herrity, J. (2023). 11 Team Effectiveness Models (Plus Tips for Choosing One) |

Nestle, C. N., Ghazal, L. V., Choi, S. W., & Fetters, M. D. (2023). Joint Display of Integrated Data Collection for Mixed Methods Research: An Illustration From a Pediatric Oncology Quality Improvement Study. Annals of Family Medicine, 21(4), 347–357.

Rodriguez, C., Link to an external site,  this link will open in a new tab, Coronado, M., D’Alessandro, M., Medina, J., & Link to an external site,  this link will open in a new tab. (2019). The Importance of Standardised Data-Collection Methods in the Improvement of Thermal Comfort Assessment Models for Developing Countries in the Tropics. Sustainability, 11(15), 4180.


Teams are being used in various ways, and consulting firm projects tend to be team-oriented. A prominent feature of effectiveness for consulting firms today is satisfying clients’ needs. As projects get more complex with less time for completion it is important for consultants to manage time effectively to meet project deadlines. One of the keys to developing performing teams is to know that successful teams do not just happen. They take effort, time, proper guidance, and support from the team leader (De Meuse, 2009). Having a culture that enables and fosters teamwork takes knowing what factors influence team dynamics and effectiveness. Many authors proposed models of team performance. Two frequently cited team models are (1) the T7 model of team effectiveness and (2) the Lencioni model – understanding team dysfunction. Each presents several ways on what influence the effectiveness of teams. 

Influences and Models on Team Effectiveness

The T7 Model of team effectiveness identified five factors that influence performance inside the work team and two factors outside the team. The five internal factors include: thrust – having a common purpose about what needs to be accomplished trust – must be present in each other as teammates, talent – the collective skills of the team members to get the job done, teaming skills – operating effectively and efficiently as a team, and task skills. – executing successfully or getting the job done. The two external factors are team-leader fit – the degree to which the team leader satisfies the needs of the team members and team support from the organization – the extent to which the leadership of the organization enables the team to perform. According to De Meuse (2009), all five internal factors must be present for teams to be high-performing. However, teams cannot obtain maximum performance unless leaders offer the necessary organizational support. The two external factors must also be present. In other words, it does not matter how good a team is on thrust, trust, talent, teaming skills, and task skills, it must have the support from the leadership fit to be effective. 

Lencioni model – the five dysfunctions of a team describe how the concept of organizational behaviors can negatively and positively influence a firm on its journey to success (Lencioni, 2002). Using a hypothetical Silicon Valley start-up company – DecisionTech, the new CEO Kathryn Petersen reorganizes and trains her senior executives not just to be a team, but that the top team be each member’s first team. Lencioni (2002) addresses the organizational missteps Kathryn discovered as five dysfunctions:  absence of trust, fear of conflict, lack of commitment, avoidance of accountability, and inattention to results rather than the positive attributes of trust and the other six factors found in the T7 module. The five dysfunctions are arranged in a pyramid to illustrate how the absence of trust produces fear of conflict, which, in turn, leads to a lack of commitment, and so on down the list.

One should note that there are no quick or easy fixes to develop a top-notch team. It takes time and patience, endless repetition, and basic lessons to convert individualistic participants into an effective work team. And that does not come easy. Consultants can take various approaches when building a team. Hackman (2010) suggested two. One is to focus initially on how members interact with one another, and then to introduce structural or contextual changes subsequently when opportunities present themselves. The other is to focus initially on establishing the basic structural and contextual conditions that are needed for excellent performance, and then coach the team on how to become adept in taking full advantage of their favorable performance circumstances. The direction a team leader takes comes down to his or her preferred role. One can be a coach and consultant to the team as it develops or focus first on creating favorable performance conditions and then coach at the margin (Hackman, 2010). 

Whatever approach is taken, a common trait consultants must develop is to build teams that work well together to complete project assignments. They must be able to facilitate the resolution of conflicts through effective conflict management. The ability to recognize one’s own leadership style will help describe how a leader handles conflict. 

It is up to the consultant leader to assess what actions, if any, are needed and then intervene with the specific leadership function to meet the demands of the situation. Similar to what CEO Kathryn portrayed in the Lencioni model. Kathryn quickly realizes her team lacked trust, a dysfunction that led to the other four dysfunctions. Therefore, she reorganizes and trains her management team using team-building techniques through a series of two-day off-site retreats to help them work through the five dysfunctions. Techniques include tests, exercises, guided discussions, and tutorials that addressed concrete problems members were having with their work or with each other. I wished Lencioni characterized these dysfunctions as signs, not reasons. However, the intent was to show that achieving team effectiveness can offer organizations a powerful framework for improving their work teams. 

Methods and Sources of Data Collections

Projects are task-oriented and data collection is the first task after executing the project. The list of data collection is quite comprehensive of which two are:  using observation and monitoring business performance. Observational technique is useful when it is important to know precisely how the consulting participants are using new skills, knowledge, tasks, procedures, or systems (Phillips, 2015). One should be mindful not to misuse or misapply this method when evaluating a situation. This can be avoided if the observer is fully prepared, knows how to interpret and report what he/she sees using professional judgment, and not be influenced by participants (Phillips, 2015). Depending on the circumstances surrounding the information needed, behavior checklists and codes, video recording, audio monitoring, and system monitoring are suggested sources used when observing participants. 

Monitoring performance data enables management to measure performance in terms of output, quality, costs, time, job engagement, and customer satisfaction (Phillips, 2015). Existing or developing record-keeping systems are sources consultants can use in data evaluation. When deciding whether to develop a record-keeping system if none or not enough exist, consultants and clients should consider if it is economical to do so. If the costs are greater than the expected return for the entire project, then it is pointless to develop those systems (Phillips, 2015). 


De Meuse, K. P. (2009). Driving team effectiveness. A comparative analysis of the Korn/Ferry T7 model with otherpopular team.

Hackman, J. R., & Katz, N. (2010). Group behavior and performance. Handbook of social psychology2, 1208-1251.

Lencioni, P. (2002). The five dysfunctions of a team: a leadership fable (1st ed., Ser. Business book summary). Jossey-Bass.

Phillips, J., Trotter, W. & Phillips, P. (2015). Maximizing the value of consulting:  A guide for internal and external consultants. Somerset, NJ: John Wiley & Sons. ISNB: 978-1-118-92310.5


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