secondary posts

Respond to each post individually in your own words, a total of 150 in each apa format.


The organic view of government is said to be the heart and an organic whole, while the mechanistic view of government is not an organic part of society (Rosen & Gayer, 2014, pp. 3-4). Everyone will have their own opinion as to which view of government is best, however, I believe mechanistic view of government is best. Truthfully, the organic view comes off as unrealistic and a bit impractical. The organic view radiates more of a holistic approach that I do not believe in nor think would be beneficial in today’s society or government. With the mechanistic view of government, it is believed that the government exists for the good of the people and even though there is much corruption within our government, I do believe that to be underlyingly true (Rosen & Gayer, 2014). Government has laws and policies in place to prevent negative actions such as violence, sexual assault, discrimination, equality, and more. There have been arguments whether government intervention is required for the good of individuals or not and I believe that depends on the individual themselves. Even though with this view there is more control, I believe this is needed within our changing society and world overall and without control, disarray occurs. Without a strong government with laws and policies in place, individuals seem to believe they can do as they please in many aspects that are not morally sound. There will always be controversy regarding how involved the government should be and as citizens, it is our right and job to vote to elect the best official to make those decisions for us as a country.


Rosen, H. S., & Gayer, T. (2014). Public finance. McGraw-Hill.


n comparing both organic and mechanistic views of government, there are, in fact, strengths and weaknesses in both. To begin, it is important to define what each means. The organic view of government views society as an organism that is made up of collective parts, such as government, businesses, and individuals who all must work together to create the whole. This view is often associated with the philosopher Aristotle, who believed that all parts of society should work together to achieve a common goal (Hassanpour, 2015). On the other hand, the mechanistic view of government views society as a machine that must be managed and controlled. This view states that government should be used as a tool in a hierarchy that maintains control and prevents chaos in society (Lloyd & Sreedhar, 2022).

When comparing the essential aspects of each view, I can see that while collaboration and cooperation of the organic view would be ideal socially, it can lead to a lack of accountability and disorder when there are no clear lines of authority. This is similar to a classroom where everyone has a say in what is taught and learned, but there is no authority figure to control the chaos that can result. In contrast, however, where the organic view sees value in social cooperation and leads to greater social well-being, the mechanistic view stresses the importance of organization and efficiency in government, thus leading to greater effectiveness and productivity. Critics of the mechanistic view state that this can create a lack of creativity and adaptability when government operations are too tightly controlled; however, I believe that in order to maintain organization and efficiency, some level of control is necessary. The ideal situation would be for government operations to strike a balance between the two perspectives, however, my personal beliefs tend to lean toward the order, structure, and productivity of the mechanistic view.

Hassanpour, A. (2015). Organic theory of the state – JSTOR. JSTOR.

Lloyd, S. A., & Sreedhar, S. (2022, September 12). Hobbes’s moral and political philosophy. Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.


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