Social issues and technology

n this unit, you explored the effect of technological advancements on personal privacy and safety. For this assignment, you are asked to choose one (1) type of privacy and/or security breach. You will also need to reference one of the sociological theories described in Unit 1 (Structural Functionalism, Conflict Theory, Symbolic Interactionism). You will create a blog (see instructions for the Unit 5 assessment) discussing the risks associated with that type of breach. Once again, you will submit this assignment as a word document.

Your completed blog must include

  • A description of the specific type of breach you have chosen. Focus on cyberwarfare, identity theft, hacking, microchipping, email spam, or digital harassment.
  • Describe how that breach affects privacy and safety at the individual level; include two (2) external references.
    • In your description, be sure to include the potential effects of the breach on health, wealth, and feelings of security.
  • Present how you personally balance the risks of a breach with the convenience of the internet.
  • Provide a detailed description of ways future technology could decrease the risks associated with the breach you described; include two (2) external references.
  • Conclude with a discussion of the threat to personal privacy and/or safety when viewed through a sociological lens; include one (1) external reference. Choose one of thesociological theories presented in Unit 1 as your lens.

Be sure to use appropriate sources for the external references required for this assignment. Use APA7 guidance for your required citations and references.


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