Social Science – Philosophy Assignment-philosophy

Please take this opportunity to start thinking about your final assignment for PHI 2010. Your final assignment will be submitted during Module 14. For your final assignment get ready to delve deeper into applied philosophy.  Please choose a disciplinary area that you could see yourself potentially working in one day (or that you would simply like to reflect on).  Some examples, though this list is not exhaustive, include: business, criminal justice, medicine, politics, art, psychology, education and academics. Next, pick one of the branches of philosophy (ethics, logic, epistemology, aesthetics, metaphysics) and using that branch discuss philosophy as an activity in your particular disciplinary area.  For example, I might write on explaining how logic can be applied in the field of psychology

A COPY OF THE PROPOSAL HAS BEEN INCLUDED BELOW. Using the feedback provided for your proposal you should craft that focuses on a disciplinary area such as: business, criminal justice, medicine, politics, art, psychology, or education and academics (this list is not exhaustive). You should choose a branch of philosophy.  Using the branch of philosophy that you picked please discuss philosophy as an activity in your particular disciplinary area.


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