
1. : Toss a coin 40 times and record the number of heads. Develop a frequency  distribution of the number of heads from the results of your experiment. Does this  distribution seem to approximate the normal distribution? Is it skewed? What is  important about the number of tosses – 40 in this case?  

2. As we are reminded in Isaiah 45:3 and 48:6, it is the Lord that allows man  to research and discover. How are these Scriptures applicable to all the elements of  statistics that we have done so far 

3. Identify a research question of interest. Identify the variables and  relationships between them. Formulate at least two hypotheses for your study. For  each hypothesis, provide the null and the alternative. 

4.  Provide one example each of a study where you will use a one-sample  hypothesis test and one for a two-sample test. Justify your choice of test; that is,  why did you choose a one-sample or two-sample test 

5 : Under what conditions should you use the two-way ANOVA F test to  examine possible differences among the means of each factor in a factorial design?  Provide two examples, one in which you should use the two-way ANOVA F test  and one where you should not 

6 : Under what conditions should you use the chi-squared test to determine  whether there is a difference among the proportions of more than two independent  populations? Provide two examples.  

7 Provide an example in which you should use regression analysis to analyze  the data. Give reasons for your choice 

8. : Provide two examples, one in which you should use simple linear  regression and one in which you should use multiple regression. Give reasons for answer

each question needs a total of 150 words


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