- so the team has a bullet points about the group and what they think about the group , base on their opinion i need 3 pages describing the group and all the good things about us and some of the things we need to fix07:09
negative observations 1.we need to meet more often to take care of our group projects in faster. please explain 2. we need to respond a little faster when it comes to dealing with assignments because when we wait till last minute then we have to rush to finish the task assigned which is not the best practice07:14
i have added the bullet points in the question
Michael’s points:
. The team is working effectively and efficiently. We are constantly communicating our status on the assignments on our chats and meeting after class to reiterate responsibilities and clarify any questions that arise.
. While there is always room for improvement, we’ve managed to create a system that works for us. I am personally responsible for finding ways to improve our process and will bring them up at our meetings for further discussion.
. My perception is that our system will lead to desired results. As long as the team continues to be engaged and participating in the input process of our project, we will attain a good grade in this course.
Brian’s points:
- As a team we work fast to come up with a solution to a potential problem regarding the assignment at hand or timing/meet-up issue. This is good for us because it shows we are able to communicate easily and adapt to a new situation.
- Over the past couple of weeks we have rotated responsibilities and we will continue to do so more oftenly in order for all six of us to have a chance at doing something different.
- I look forward to our upcoming team tasks as we decipher the managerial problems of our focus company and come up with ways to solve them or better them. I believe we can reach all our goals by trusting each other, as well as having efficient fact-driven conflict as we progress through the weeks. This will keep all of us eager to participate and eager to find out all of our answers.
Stephen’s Points:
- First I will say this group has a positive way of communicating with each other . We treat each other with respect and no matter what each member is facing we treat it like a group problem and find a solution as a unit with one common goal of achieving the best.
- This group bring out the best in each other by making sure each person is assigned a responsibility. This helps identify each other’s strengths and weaknesses and we find a way to improve each other to be a better team
- This team is very accommodating and sacrifice a lot for each other in other to meet. We are all very busy with work and school so it’s hard to find the perfect time to meet but as a team we all come together and sacrifice a little time no matter how inconvenience it is so that we can meet and discuss the task for each week . I think this is the best team that will help me personally to become a better person not for school only but my everyday life because they push me out of my comfort zone and I’m really happy to be on this team .
Mia’s Points
- This team is very helpful with each other, whether it be a simple question or questions on a particular assignment/role. Whether it is assignments for class or not this team has exceeded my expectations with the way we help each other in different situations.
- Also, this team is fast in terms of communication which is a really good quality to have while working in a team. Communication is very important in teams. I can definitely say that it has not been an issue for this team and I am very grateful for each member for their efforts so we can all succeed at our tasks/assignments.
- Lastly, everyone that is part of this team is always heard and well respected. We can all share our input on ways to improve the quality of our work/assignments/roles. Everyone is included in the decision making process, everyone is clear with each other’s roles and responsibilities for upcoming assignments given. I am glad I’m part of this team, so far I’m very happy with everyone’s efforts and work from these past two weeks. I appreciate our team’s meetings after class and everyone’s time.
Dominique’s Points
- Working with this great team has been an incredible academic journey thus far. Effective communication, collaborative efforts, and an unwavering commitment to an A have stood as pillars of our group. Within this group everyone’s input is not only valued but also actively sought after. The level of open and honest communication within the team is truly refreshing and I am grateful to be a part of this team.
- Each team member brings a unique skill set to the table, and when we combine our strengths, we’re able to achieve the results intended. It’s not about individual achievements; it’s about the collective impact we create. We complement each other’s strengths and weaknesses, and it’s incredibly rewarding to witness our project flourish due to this energy.
- What truly sets our team apart is our collective commitment. This shared determination to be the best version of ourselves and to deliver outstanding results is what drives us forward. We operate as a cohesive unit, where egos take a backseat to the greater goal