technical writing (Destini Mitchell)

Please chose any event or new restaurant in Elizabeth City NC 

1. Press Release: Create a press release from an actual event you are connected to in some way. This could be anything from a book club you attended, a Homecoming event you are excited about, a recent or upcoming church or social function, or a notable change at your place of work. Choose your own template to write your press release. 

2.  Social Media Posts (3): Create three different social media posts for three different audiences on the same topic. This can be the same event you used for your press release. For example, let’s say you wrote a press release about a new restaurant that just opened. You could create three different social media posts for that new restaurant; a video of you at the restaurant for TikTok, a picture of your meal for Facebook, and 5-star review of the food for Google. You do not need to actually post your content. Place your content in the social media template form included with these instructions. 

3. Interview: Conduct an informational interview with someone about something that interests you. For example, if you want to find about about a career, event, or topic that interests you, you can reach out to an expert for an interview. Follow the guidelines in this article to help you outline and schedule your interview. Then use the guiding questions in this article to help you conduct your interview. The purpose of the interview is to help you gain perspective you can’t get otherwise, so choose someone you don’t already know well to interview. Record the interview, use an AI tool like Descript or YouTube to transcribe the interview, and post the text of the interview for your assignment. 

4.  Spreadsheet with self-generated graphic: Making graphs or charts using a spreadsheet tool like Excel is not difficult, but it does require executing lots of specific steps in order. Use the information in this article (attached) and videos to help you turn raw data into a spreadsheet and then into a graphic. You can select your raw data from any source your like. For example, you could use data from government websites to graph the salaries averages of five jobs like truck driver, manufacturing technician, teacher, computer programmer, and doctor in the US from 1970 to 2020. Or you could create a chart of ECSUs volleyball win/loss record for the past five years. What every data you choose, just link the sources on your spreadsheet.

5. Self-selected product related to your major (interdisciplinary studies) For this assignment, you get to choose. It must have something to do with something we studied or was covered in the book (professional Bias, or  AI Writing Tools, Bias, and Plagiarism) please on chose one. You could create a user guide for a workplace app like Slack for ECSU students and faculty. You could write a blog post about how and why people should (or should not) include a salutation and complementary close (the “Greetings!” and “Best Wishes”) on business emails. It’s up to you. Just make sure the assignment is relevant and substantive 


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