Instructions: Peer Responses 125 Words Each

RESEARCH (Label this section)

  • Teach the topic to students. Responses must add new      information not previously discussed. Consider new factual information      tied with critical thinking. Share interesting and current research on the      topic.
  • Use APA citations in the post to clarify sources.
  • Do not simply summarize another student’s post and      agree/disagree.
  • Consider starting out posts with, “A research article I      found said,” “Did you know,” or “Three things I found      interesting were… .”

CRITICAL THINKING (Label this section)

  • Pose new possibilities or opinions not previously      voiced.
  • Connect the dots. Why is this an important topic for      you, your community, society, or the world? How does it relate to other      concepts in the text?
  • Add references and word count for all posts.


Hair & nails-functions & structure; nails act as protective covering plates over fingertips and toes soft tissues covering. Nails protect the soft tissue from injury as well as infection. Fingernails also serve to enhance sensation and precise movements of the fingertips through the counter-pressure exerted on the pulp of the fingers by the nails. Nails have a few structures and are divided into 6 different parts; root, nail bed, nail plate, eponychium, paronychium, and hyponychium. Each one of these six components have a specific function, and if a component of the nail structure is disrupted, the nail can look abnormal. Most common abnormal disrubtion is often a nail infection which is presented with darkening of the nail. Hair especially on our heads are made to keep us from getting sick and keeping warm. A few examples of hair at work are nose hairs from keeping particles from going into our noses, and may travel into our lungs, eyelashes keep dust from our eyes as well as acting as a shade to the sun. Each hair has a hair shaft and a hair root. The shaft is the visible part of the hair that sticks out of the skin. The hair root is in the skin and extends down to the deeper layers of the skin. It is surrounded by the hair follicle (a sheath of skin and connective tissue), which is also connected to a sebaceous gland. Hair and nails are both made up of kertain a type of protein that’s a basic component of hair, skin, and nails. Keratin in the skin’s outer layer helps create a protective barrier. The nails and hairs are made up of keratinized cells. These cells are found in the epidermis layer of the skin. The process due to which hair and nails grow is called keratinization. They are made up of dead cells which are not connected to the nerves of the brain. Both skin, hair and nails are protective layers that are part of the integumenturary system and are considered the first line of defense.

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Connective Tissue- types and importance of functions


Research: Connective Tissue- types and importance of functions.

The connective tissues, which include fibrous tissue, adipose tissue, cartilage, bone, and blood, are the most numerous, widely dispersed, and histologically diverse of the primary tissues (Saladin, 2020). Although it may seem as if these tissues are all very similar, vascularity in connective tissues varies widely, from dense networks in loose connective tissues to sparse or no blood vessels in cartilage (Saladin, 2020). Fibrous connective tissue is divided into two different groups according to the abundance of fiber which would be loose, and dense tissue (Saladin, 2020).

Loose tissues are loosely attached to deeper tissues, allowing the passage of nerves and blood vessels, and providing a platform for immunological protection (Saladin, 2020). For the underlying epithelia, blood arteries deliver nourishment and waste elimination (Saladin, 2020). Dense tissue aids in the connection of muscles to bones to firmly hold together under tension and be able to resist trauma (Saladin, 2020). The collagen fibers in dense tissue are packed in tight leaving little to no space. Adipose tissue are made up adipocytes also known as fat (Saladin, 2020). The function of adipose tissue is to aide in heat production, protecting of internal organs, shaping of the body and filling space, and energy storage (Saladin, 2020). Cartilage is connective tissue that feels firm to touch, but with a flexible matrix. An example is your ear, or your nose. Cartilage is made from cells called chondroblasts, and with different types of cartilage also aids in the multiple functions which include the obvious flexible and elastic support (Saladin, 2020). Hyaline cartilage helps open our airways during respiration, so that vocal cords can be used for speech. As for fibrocartilage, often considered a transitional tissue which helps absorb shock and avoid compression in joints (Saladin, 2020). Then we have osseous tissue which is grouped into spongy bone and compact bone. Osseous tissue helps with the physical support of the body, muscle activity, visceral enclosure protection, and calcium and phosphorus storage (Saladin, 2020). Lastly, there is blood, the primary purpose of blood, a fluid connective tissue that circulates through tubular blood vessels, is to carry cells and dissolved matter from one location to another (Saladin, 2020). Blood also carries gases, nutrients, waste products, chemical signals, and heat throughout the body and delivers defensive leucocytes. Blood also contains clotting agents that help to prevent bleeding and encourage tissue maintenance and repair through secretion of growth factors from the platelets (Saladin, 2020).

Critical Thinking:

Understanding the different types of tissues is essential for understanding the structure and function of our organs. Even though connective tissues have many functions their most important function is how much they support and connect other tissues hence the name connective tissue. 

WC= 420


Saladin, K. (2020). Anatomy & physiology: The unit of form and function (9th ed.). McGraw Hill Education.Top of Form


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