Instructions: Peer Responses 125 Words Each

RESEARCH (Label this section)

  • Teach the topic to students. Responses must add new      information not previously discussed. Consider new factual information      tied with critical thinking. Share interesting and current research on the      topic.
  • Use APA citations in the post to clarify sources.
  • Do not simply summarize another student’s post and      agree/disagree.
  • Consider starting out posts with, “A research article I      found said,” “Did you know,” or “Three things I found      interesting were… .”

CRITICAL THINKING (Label this section)

  • Pose new possibilities or opinions not previously      voiced.
  • Connect the dots. Why is this an important topic for      you, your community, society, or the world? How does it relate to other      concepts in the text?
  • Add references and word count for all posts.


Puberty in boy’s principal signs of puberty and hormonal control


Puberty varies on the child. It usually starts in boys at an age between 10 to 12 years old and usually last until the first time of ejaculating and seeing visible sperm, usually around 14 years old (Saladin, 2021). One of the main traits that happens in puberty is the testosterone rises. The first visible sign that occurs is an enlargement of the testes and scrotum (Saladin, 2021). Testosterone also stimulates a burst to the bones causing the boys bones to grow, more muscle mass, and deepening the voice (Saladin, 2021). DHT (dihydrotestosterone) gives boys things such as pubic hair, axillary hair, and finally facial hair (Saladin, 2021).  Boys secrete a lot of amounts of testosterone in the first 3 months of fetal development (Saladin, 2021). A boy in the first few months of infancy has almost the same amount of testosterone levels as a boy in mid puberty but then the testes stop producing the testosterone in early childhood (Saladin, 2021).  Why does the testosterone dissipate from early childhood till puberty? The gonadotropin realizing hormone or (GnRH) takes a break in a boy’s youth. When in late childhood the GnRH comes back. GnRH then travels to places like the anterior pituitary and stimulates the cells called gonadotropic cells (Saladin, 2021). The cells then secrete two pituitary gonadotropins which are follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH) (Saladin, 2021).

Critical Thinking

As a boy your ready for puberty when it comes (as much as you can be). Among other things your ready to be able to grow facial hair. One thing you’re not ready for is the acne that come with it. The DHT level are extremely high during this time sometimes up to 20 times the normal level also The skin becomes darker and thicker which leads to that acne (Saladin, 2021). It can be very tough to go through puberty with everything changing from the way you feel to how you look.

WC 337


Saladin, K. (2021). Anatomy & physiology: The unit of form and function (9th ed.). McGraw Hill Education.


The benefits of breast-feeding:  Including lactation reflex; describe the mechanism of milk ejection, shifting hormonal balance 


   Based on my research, there are many benefits that breast-feeding provides for both moms and babies such as boosting the baby’s immune system, help lower the chance for moms to get breast and ovaries cancer and it is easier for baby to digest faster (5 Benefits of Breastfeeding, 2017). The milk that mothers produced and feed their babies is called lactation, which can last for many years as the mother continues to nurse their baby (Saladin, 2020, p. 1066). Milk ejection happens when the babies are sucking on the mother nipples and areola to stimulate the nerve in the mother’s body to release oxytocin (Saladin, 2020, p. 1067). After birth, mothers will experience hormones changes throughout their body which can lead to postpartum depression (Postpartum hormonal changes & how they affect you, 2019). One of the hormonal changes that can cause mothers to be moodier is prolactin because it affects the dopamine in the body (Postpartum hormonal changes & how they affect you, 2019). To furthermore, progesterone hormones also changes after birth compared to during pregnancy because it decreases which can makes the menstrual cycle becomes abnormal (Postpartum hormonal changes & how they affect you, 2019). 

Critical Thinking: 

    Based on my personal experience and research, I agree with breast-feeding your baby even if it is for the first 6 months. As you all know, I am a first-time mother, and unfortunately, I was able to see the differences from breast-feeding my baby to using formula. Breast-feeding is healthier for babies but not every mother can provide that for their babies for a long time. For the mothers that can breastfeed, it can be beneficial for the mothers because it can help them to lose the pregnancy weight faster and prevent them from the risk of breast cancer or ovary cancer. I can also say that the hormones from pregnancy and postpartum felt different for me because during my pregnancy I had more energy even in my third trimester, but I notice for my postpartum I wanted to rest more, I was more fatigue and mood swings got worst. Everyone’s experience might be different from others based on their surrounding and situation, but I will always be fascinated on how females’ body can produce nutrition for our babies until they are old enough to get it themselves.  


5 benefits of breastfeeding. St. Luke’s Health. (2017, August 11). Retrieved March 28, 2023, from 

Saladin, K. (2020). Anatomy & physiology: The unit of form and function (9th ed.). McGraw Hill Education. 

Postpartum hormonal changes & how they affect you. Medela. (2019, December 16). Retrieved March 29, 2023, from 


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