Unit 1.1 DB: Defining Counseling 2 RESPONSES

1. Here are three differences between counseling as a professional and being a support for friends or family members:

1. Training and expertise: Professional counselors undergo rigorous educational and training programs to gain the necessary knowledge and skills to provide effective therapeutic interventions. They are equipped with various counseling techniques, theories, and evidence-based practices to help their clients. On the other hand, individuals offering support to friends or family members may not have formal training in counseling techniques or therapeutic interventions.

2. Objectivity and impartiality: As professionals, counselors are trained to maintain a non-judgmental and neutral stance while working with their clients. They strive to provide an objective perspective and create a safe space for clients to explore their thoughts and emotions without bias. In contrast, when offering support to friends or family members, personal biases and emotional attachments might influence the ability to provide objective advice or guidance.

3. Ethical guidelines and boundaries: Professional counselors adhere to ethical guidelines and professional standards that ensure confidentiality, privacy, and boundaries within the therapeutic relationship. They are obliged to maintain client confidentiality and prioritize the best interests of their clients. In informal support roles, such as providing advice to friends or family members, these ethical considerations may not be as explicitly defined, and confidentiality or boundary issues can arise.

It is important to note that while friends or family members can offer valuable support, professional counseling provides an additional level of specialized knowledge, expertise, and ethical considerations that contribute to more effective and regulated mental health care.

2.  The difference between going to a couseling professional and seeking advice from freinds and family is that professional counslers are trained to give support to clients and make sure that if necessary refer to other mental health services. Another differnece is that freinds would tell you what they would do if they were in that situation while counslers are trained to give their undivided attention and trained in communitation skills. Another key difference is that counslours are obligated to keep their clients situation confidential and peers do not have to do that. The last differnce I would like to note is that counslers do not have the answers to everything. For example if you go a loved one for advice they would try and “fix” everything but a consouler would give you advice but not try and “fix” everything. A consuler promotes your well-being and makes sure that they give you the right tools to support you while a friend or a loved one would try and fix the situation.


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