Unit 3

 Unit 3 Presentation Guidelines:1. You will create a power point presentation/poster/other platform to explain what you have learned in Unit 2. Explain the following:

 a. What is a standard

 b. Where can we find the standards 

c. Which grade and program area did your group choose. What is an objective. 

d. What are your objectives for the Lesson you chose to teach? 

f. What is the ABCD Model and DOK wheel 

g. How would you teach the lesson?

 i. How will you introduce the lesson? 

h. What procedures will you use to teach this lesson

1. Activities

2. Direct Instruction

 i. How will you close the lesson?

 i. Activity

j. How will you know the students have learned the standard?

 k. How will you assess the students? 

i. Project, Presentation, Test2. 

You can use pictures or video in your presentation to describe the activities that you will use a. For example, show me the book you will read, show me the video you will use, show me a model of the activity they will complete, etc…


Introduction to Education: Explorations in Teaching
Sara Powell  4th Edition


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