Unit 3 Lab


Hypothetical Break-In

You have been called in to support an incident response for your organization. construct a hypothetical scenario where a system breach has been discovered. It can be modeled after a real world event if documentation of the break-in is cited as a reference.

Consider the following five questions and write an essy response to each one:

How do you go about finding information when you have been told that there has been a break-in?

  1. What servers were compromised?
  2. Was network equipment compromised?
  3. What user accounts were employed to gain access?
  4. What vulnerabilities were exploited?
  5. What can be done to prevent a recurrence of this security incident?


Hypothetical Break-in is in essy/technical report format (APA) and should include references. 

  • Write your report in the standard APA style.
  • Your output should be at least four double-spaced pages, exclusive of the title page, abstract, table of contents, and references section.
  • There should be a lead-in and summary/conclusion section to establish context and key takeaways, not just the question responses.
  • Answers contain sufficient information to adequately answer the questions.
  • No spelling errors.
  • No grammar errors.


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