unit 4


  • Title Page – APA formatted.
  • Introduction to the Problem –  – This is where you analyze the issues or problems in your chosen Capstone topic. You may reuse your IP1 paper for this part of your Capstone paper, as long as you make any applicable updates, based upon your research and edit it so that it is not longer than 2 pages.
  • Literature Review –  – This is where you discuss or write about background information that you discovered when you completed your 8 Annotated Bibliographies in Unit 3. Do not copy-and-paste your Annotated Bibliography into your Capstone research paper. Instead, write in paragraph form, about the information that you discovered and documented in your Annotated Bibliography. Specifically, in your literature review, you will analyze what those authors wrote about in their articles. You should be able to write for each of the 8 annotated bibliographies that you submitted in your Unit 3 assignment. Click here to learn more about what a literature review is. It should be written in paragraph form.
  • Topic Analysis –  – This is where you present your own personal, professional and scholarly analysis about your Capstone issue(s), which is based on all of your research.
  • Conclusion –  – This is where you present your final conclusions and recommendations on how to mitigate or possibly solve the Capstone problem(s) that were identified. Your conclusions and recommendations should represent a synthesis of all that you have learned over the course of the program. You should be taking what you have learned and building upon that learning; combining concepts, skills and competencies into your final recommendations, demonstrating a deeper understanding of the issues based on your research and accumulated of learning.
  • Reference Page – APA formatted.


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